Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Brady Douglas Alexander

Brady Douglas Alexander was born into our family on May 31, 2010 at 6:19 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz and was 21 inches long. He had a little problem with his lungs and ended up staying in the baby nursery until the day we left. He now has a clean bill of health and is a complete joy in our family. While Brady and I were in the hospital, Tyler came down with a virus and Ryan got Tyler's stomach flu from the week before. It was a little crazy! We really appreciate Grammy and Papa for keeping the kids and helping out so much! A BIG THANK YOU!!! I am also really appreciative that my Mom could come out and help. She got here Saturday night and is making the kids transition to a new sibling easier. They love spending time with Grandma Camille and want to go see her first thing in the morning (which at our house usually starts at 6). I am loving spending time with her. Sydney and Tyler are also loving their new little brother. They are both big helpers. Brady is a fantastic baby (knock on wood.) He usually only gets up once or twice in the middle of the night and then goes right back down to sleep. Last night he slept 4 hours! We are so blessed with all three of our children.
While Daddy was home for a week, Sydney had her last day of swimming lessons. She loved swimming and Tyler loved watching it. We are getting excited to swim this summer.



  1. OH! So happy for you guys! He is adorable and you've just got me really excited to have ours! I LOVE the cute little baseball bum picture! I'm so glad to that everyone is healthy now! Luvs!

  2. Congrats you guys! I haven't seen pics of Tyler in so long, I can't believe how big he is now! Your new addition is adorable, and lucky you for getting such a good sleeper, how did you do that?? Consider me jealous!

  3. Cute baby! He looks so much like Tyler! That's great that your parents can come help. Take care!

  4. Awh...so cute! Congrats you guys!

  5. Such a cute family. Hope to come see you soon! Love you!
