Thursday, December 9, 2010

Brady at 6 months

My baby is 6 months old. The time has just FLOWN by. I promise it didn't go by this fast when I was pregnant with him. He is just an angel baby. He is a great sleeper and eater. He loves to smile and laugh. He is very ticklish! His face lights up when Sydney and Tyler walk into the room. And they are such good big brother and sister. He is a bit of a Mommas boy, but the other two were too. Sorry daddy. I figure it means I am doing a good job taking care of him. :) We went and saw Dr. Mandi for his check-up/immunizations this last week. He weighs 15 pounds 2 ounces and is 27 and 3/4 inches. I always love to see where they are on the percentage list. He is in the 95th percent for height and 10th for weight. Wouldn't we all love that problem? He started on rice cereal and we are going to move that up to two meals a day to keep his calorie intake up. He is also going to be starting him on baby food next week. He is going to love it. Things I want to remember about Brady are:

~ He loves to sleep with a specific blanket and he likes to rub it against his check. That is how he sleeps for every nap and at bedtime.

~ He loves his binkie - but is very specific on the kind of binkie that he wants. As a side note - I love how Tyler calls it his pinkie. :)

~ He is getting to a phase where he wants to be held all day long, this does make it hard on my back - even if he is a skinny little thing.

~ He loves to roll over, and almost has it going from back to front. He gets clear over to his side and then just hangs out.

~ He loves to look at himself in the mirror. He thinks it is so funny.

~ His hair is growing in lighter. He had a ton of hair when he was born and then he lost it all. Now it is growing in and is lighter - almost a blond like Sydney.

~ He is such a sweetheart and I love him!!!

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