Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Misc. Photos

These are just a few of the things we have done this year.

We went to dinner with Grammy and Papa to PF Changs. The kids love eating with chop sticks. And the food is super yummy. Much to my dismay - my kids love rice. So they love to try to eat it with chopsticks and they love the fortune cookies at the end.

Tyler loves his Legos. We spend hours every week playing with Legos. He likes to build buildings, cars, people. Every day he comes up with new stories of what the Legos are doing. He is getting so big and helpful at home. Love him!
Brady is still always full of smiles. He thinks that everything is funny - especially himself. He is constantly laughing and playing with Sydney and Tyler.
We went to OMSI for Sydney's school. Everyone had a good time!

This is how we watch movies on Sunday. Everyone gets in their comfy clothes as soon as we get home and they all pile on me. Right now Sydney is on a Sound of Music kick. And Tyler still loves watching Dinotopia.
Sydney is in a phase where she doesn't walk, she rolls. Everywhere. Here she is trying to teach Brady how to do it. I don't know how I feel about two kids rolling everywhere. But luckily he didn't get the hang of it. :)

For FHE one night we got a dance game for the Wii and had apple nachos for dessert. The kids loved it - and Daddy is a great dancer!

Brady loves it when someone tries to take a picture of him. He always says "CHEESE."
Sydney is becoming a great reader, and Tyler is starting to want to learn to read. They love to sit down on the couch and read new books from the library.
We love to go on walks a. Brady is enjoying his trike and the kids love to ride their scooters around the neighborhood. We are excited for warmer weather so we can do this more often.

My boys love to take bubble baths. Brady likes playing with the red boat and Tyler likes to play with the green train. Super cute!

Sick Tyler

This last few days have been rough with Tyler sick. He had a fever for three days and coughed a lot. He laid on the couch and just watched movies and took naps. I don't like seeing my kids sick. He was pretty miserable. Brady loved having Tyler home from school to watch movies with. One morning while he was sick, Sydney got up early and made him a card with some markers so he can decorate papers. This is one of their favorite things to do. Although he was too sick to play, it was nice of Sydney to be concerned for him. Now he is all better and we are ready for Spring Break!

Girls Weekend

A few weeks ago my sister Alisa and I were talking on the phone and saying how we needed a little bit of a break. We LOVE our families, but we needed a girls weekend. So we decided to meet in Boise and hang out. It was a lot of fun. We went and got our toes done, went shopping, ate good food, and went to see a movie. My kids wanted me to bring them back a cowboy and cowgirl hat. So we went to walmart and they had some. They were super excited for their new hats. Daddy took great care of them while I was gone. Although I missed my family, it was great seeing my Mom and sister. We definitely need to do it more often!

Park Photos

Brady is big enough this year to start playing a the park and climbing on all the structures. He thinks he is such a big boy. He especially loves the slide. He doesn't want any help climbing up the stairs. He wants to do it all by himself. I hope he doesn't grow up too fast! Oh he also LOVES Doritos. On the day we went - he didn't want his mouth washed off. Such a boy!

Tyler T-ball

Tyler took a T-ball class with his friend Jack. He loved T-ball. He had a great coach and learned a lot. He loved playing Sharks and Minnows. He ran around the whole gym. It helped get some winter energy out him. I think we'll sign up again soon.

Valentines Day 2012

This year we had a great Valentines Day. Ryan and I had heart attacked their door with hearts and sayings written on them. The kids were super excited for a busy day. Both Sydney and Tyler had school parties. Tyler is loving preschool. They had kids yoga planned. Although Yoga is not Tylers favorite thing, he did enjoy decorating the cookies and making hand print poems. He loves his teacher Ms. Ackerman. Sydney's party was in the afternoon. They played Valentine BINGO and also made hand print poems. She loves school and especially loves when they get a holiday party. Earlier in the week Grammy had brought up Krispie Kreme Valentines donuts that were delicious!
Later that week we went and had lunch with Ryan in Portland at Quiznos. We love Ryan and how hard he works for our family. And we LOVE seeing him in the middle of the day.