Friday, June 12, 2009

Preschool Program and Dr. Appointment

This has been a busy week. On Tuesday Sydney had her end of the year preschool program. She sang songs, had a slide show and ate cake. It doesn't get better then that! She did a great job on her songs. She especially liked the Goldie Locks and the Three Bears song. She was also excited that Daddy was able to make it. We are so proud of our little girl!!! In one picture she is singing and the other one she is standing with her teachers Miss Anita and Miss Erin.

Tyler had his 2 year old doctor appointment with Dr. Mandi. He did a great job. He is really coming along on his talking and words. He passed with flying colors. He weighs 30 pounds and is 24 inches. That puts him in the 50th percentile for height and 80th for weight. His head is of course in the 90th because he's so smart!! He did get 1 shot, but he hardly cried. Took it like the little man he is :) He is in perfect health and curious about everything. He wants to do everything that Sydney does. Turning into such a big boy. He is such a sweetheart!! This picture was taken last Sunday morning. I was trying to get the kids in the bath and was helping Sydney and Tyler climbed right in. He sat down and started playing, until he realized what happens to clothes when they get wet. He loves the water, but decided it was better to bathe with no clothes on. It was hilarious. We were laughing so hard. At least he didn't have shoes on.

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