At the first of this month Sydney started ballet classes. She is loving it! She gets to wear her ballet clothes and she is in the same class as her friend Kate. She told me just last week, "Mom, I don't know why I am such a good balleter."
The next event that happened was a girls weekend for me. Alisa and I were 30 for 3 weeks together so we wanted to do something fun while we were both 30. It was so much fun to have my Mom, Grandma, Aunt LoraLee, Alisa (sister) and Aubrey (sister-in-law) here to visit. We had a nice relaxing weekend over in Bend (Thanks Doug and Gayle!). We watched movies, played games, and had lots of laughs. Ryan had the kids for the weekend and the kids loved their Daddy time. Thanks to everyone for coming out to visit. We should do girls weekends more often!
It has been such a great month. The kids are getting bigger and bigger. We are going to work on potty training Tyler, which I can't wait. He is talking so much more. He had his first nightmare last Sunday where he wanted to come and get Mom and Dad. I felt so bad that he was scared, but loved the cuddle time first thing in the morning. he loves playing with Buzz Lightyear and says Buzz before anything. "Can I say the Buzz prayer?" "I want a Buzz kiss." Too cute! We are working on teaching him his colors. He does know pink and purple with Sydney's help. Sydney is very interested in reading and learning how letters work together. We have checked many library books out and are constantly sounding out words. She is learning about space at school and her favorite planet is Saturn. She likes the rings. And as always, her favorite direction is left. They are so much fun! Love you guys!
Sydney is such an excellent dancer. I can't wait to see her moves as she improves!