Wednesday, April 6, 2011

January February and March Family Fun

Life has been really busy lately and I haven't had time to do much blogging. We have had lots of fun the last couple months and the time has been flying by.

Sydney is still loving school (mostly). She is really coming along on her reading and writing. I love seeing what she brings home. I was having a bad day a few weeks ago, and she drew me a beautiful picture of the two of us. She also wrote how much she loves her Mom. It really brightened my day. She is such a big helper around the house and with her brothers.

Tyler is growing and continuously keeps me laughing. Just this morning he was trying to convince me to carry him up the stairs by telling me that he didn't have ankles and he couldn't walk. He is at the age where he keeps me guessing and laughing all the time. He recently started a basketball class and at first didn't like it, but last week really started getting into it. I haven't gotten pictures yet because he wants me out on the court with him. I am hoping to next week. He has lots of energy and loves to play with his little brother Brady.

Brady is getting so big and is moving around lots and lots. He is almost crawling, but until then he rolls and scoots all over the place. He dumps toys and laughs and smiles constantly. He got his first tooth and is getting his second. When he wakes up he loves to see Sydney and Tyler first thing in the morning. He also loves his Daddy. He gets a big smile and laughs whenever he sees him. He is so much fun!

Here are a few pictures from the last few months.
This is the kids leprechaun trap. They did it all by themselves. Sydney and Tyler both drew pictures for the leprechaun and had it all set up. Our leprechauns name was Lucky. Although we didn't catch him, he was nice enough to leave our milk green, Lucky Charms, and he even messed up the kids rooms.
The kids love playing out in the rain and the puddles. I think they look so cute in their raincoats.

For Pi Day, I made an apple pie. It was delicious! I really enjoyed cooking it and think I will make another one very soon. Sydney took one look at it and said, "I don't like pie." Too bad for her, but good for the rest of us - we got more. :)
Brady absolutely LOVES bath time! He was enjoying it so much the other night, that I read the older kids their nightly books in the bathroom while he splashed around. Tyler thought it was really funny.
Brady LOVES Daddy. He gets to do so many fun things that Mom won't let him do, like play on the stairs.
The kids love reading. When Papa was up, he was nice enough to read them some library books. They thought they were in heaven!
Brady loves his Grammy - and her lap. :)
Brady also loves to clap all day long. It is his favorite trick.
Tyler is such a good big brother, he plays with Brady and helps him make a big mess. Sometimes he even helps clean it up for me.
For Dr. Seuss's birthday, we had a little party with some of the kids friends. Here they are with their Cat in the Hat bags. They had a great time.

These are the Thing 1 and Thing 2 cupcakes I made for the party.
Brady is my special helper in the kitchen. He loves to smile and loves to eat what I cook.
The kids wanted to make a carriage to go riding in. I thought this is really creative. Their dolls are the riders and they are the drivers. They had so much fun doing this and I loved the happy smiles and giggles.
This is Sydney's crazy hair for Crazy Hair Day at school.
Sydney loves the snow and she also loves writing her name. Here she puts the two together.
Brady loves to smile!
This is how much snow we had when school was cancelled. Ridiculous that it was cancelled, but we had so much fun playing in it. Until it all melted by noon.
How do I not post a million pictures of my baby. He is getting so big!
This was Sydney's hair for Valentines Day. She was really good to let me do it in a heart for her.

Before Ryan's "busy season" starts, we always try to do something extra fun as a family. This year we went down to the Wildlife Safari. It was a bit of a drive, but well worth it. We got to drive through and see all sorts of animals in their habitat. One particular animal had a little crush on Ryan. It was so funny to see him peck at the window at Ryan. The kids loved sitting in the front seat and sitting with Mom, Dad, and Grammy. It was a fabulous day!

On the weekends we try to have family movie nights. I made homemade chocolate peanut butter popcorn. One of the best parts is that I only have to ask the kids to get in jammies once.

My darling Sydney is growing up so fast. These are her favorite shoes she got for Christmas. They have a little heel and she loves them - just like her Mommy.
Brady and Tyler both love to be outside. Brady loves the stroller and Tyler likes to just be out in the fresh air. I took this picture on the way to pick Sydney up from the bus stop.

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